Visit our online store or contact us to learn more about our cost-effective solutions, to sign up for our services, and/or to request additional information including a quotation.
Products and Services
Offsite Medical Waste Management and Disposal
Biohazard Waste, Sharps, Pharmaceutical, and Chemotherapy Waste Disposal
EcoMed’s medical waste management and removal services is designed to provide our customers with a comprehensive, flexible, consistent, and safe solutions that are compliant with local, state/provincial and federal regulations, which include DOT and OSHA standards. Our reliable and cost-effective services consist of:
- On-call pick-ups or scheduled reoccurring collections
- Manifests generation, and waste treatment and disposal recordkeeping
- Waste management reporting and tracking
- Regulated Medical Waste labeling and packaging
- Supplies and consumables delivery (e.g., red bags, sharps containers, boxes, etc.)
- Training and waste management consulting
Onsite Turnkey Solutions
Integrated Medical Waste Treatment and Disposal Services
To initiate lean base operations with standardized treatment process and to gain remarkable financial savings, EcoMed provides onsite turn-key integrated medical waste management solutions and services that include the treatment and destruction of:
- Red bags / Biomedical Waste
- Sharps
- Pathological Waste
- Animal Waste
- Laboratory & Liquid Waste
- Confidential Documents / HIPAA Waste
Online Store: Mailback Programs – Containers and Medical Supplies
Sharps and Pharmaceutical Mailback Disposal

- Red or Yellow Bags
- Sharps Containers: Range in size from 1.5 – to 19-gallon bins.
- Other Waste Containers and Boxes
- Mailback Systems
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Spill Containment
Visit our online store or contact us to learn more about our cost-effective solutions, to sign up for our medical supplies and containers program,
and/or to request additional information including a quotation.
Consulting, Compliance, and Other Services
EcoMed Services recognizes that our customers face many challenges; and therefore, require an expert partner with in-depth industry knowledge and experience. EcoMed’s consulting team provides business solutions that creating sustainable competitive advantage, reduce costs, manage risk, exploit and create inefficiencies, which in turn result in increased profitability and growth.
In order to add financial, operational, and business value to our customers, EcoMed’s medical waste consulting services are based on realistic industry solutions that are structured around lean processes, productive workforce, clean technology and integrated business operations. No matter what’s our customers’ overall objectives or main business challenges, EcoMed’s specialists will bring the best practices and knowledge to generate sound results.
To help our customers make informative decisions based on true and accurate scenarios, EcoMed’s comprehensive Financial Assessments and Cost Analysis are prepared to explicitly demonstrate the cost effectiveness of EcoMed’s available alternative solutions, which are correlated to the current existing operation. The proposed project’s overall fiscal investment and evaluations are founded on multiple guiding monetary principles that include the following:
- The Annual Disposal Cost and the Cost per Unit Capacity
- The Operating Cost and the Equivalent Annual Investment Cost
- Project Savings and the Annual Net Saving Rate
- The Pay Back Period
- The Internal Rate of Return
- The Profitability Index / Benefit-Cost Ratio
- The Total Cash Inflows and Outflows
- The Net Present Value and Net Cash Flow
Visit our online store or contact us to learn more about our cost-effective solutions, to inquire about our Investment Assessments and
Cost Analysis, and/or to request additional information including a quotation.
EcoMed’s Permitting and Compliance Services are established to facilitate the permitting authorizations for all entities or establishments that generate, manage, store, contain, transfer, transport, treat, destroy, and/or dispose of infectious medical waste. Following local, state/provincial, and federal regulatory requirements, our experienced team will identify programs to properly handle your medical waste and will also guide you through all permitting and compliance requirements that may include the following:
- Permit to operate a biomedical waste treatment facility
- Permit to transport RMW
- Environmental permits or authorizations
- Technology approval
- Other operation licenses if applicable