Coverage & Service Plans

Service Plans

Healthcare Providers Service Plans

Through our infrastructure and network of partners, EcoMed offers reliable and affordable on-site and off-site medical waste management services for small and large waste quantity generators throughout North America. Our service plans include: 

  • Medical waste removal and disposal services
  • Turn-key integrated on-site regulated medical waste treatment and disposal services
  • Sharps disposal management and services
  • Advanced sterilizer solutions: Installations, training, operations, and maintenance of medical waste sterilizers
  • Medical supplies and packaging
  • Consulting services
  • Professional and financial services: investment assessments and cost analysis
  • Permitting and compliance

Visit our online store or contact us to learn more about our capabilities, coverage, and cost-effective services, and/or to request for additional information including a quotation.[span12]


Social and Environmental Responsibility

Our commitment is to employ clean technology and promote best practices that include reduce, reuse, and recycle initiative in order to preserve our ecosystem and improve our quality of life.

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Low-Priced Innovative Solutions and Flexible Choices

We offer innovative medical waste treatment solutions and flexible integrated options to deliver approved, reliable, comprehensible, and sustainable quality services at a low market price.

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Quality Services and Customer Satisfaction

We aim to provide superior, comprehensive, and affordable biomedical waste management services that include compliance training, consultations, and customized options.

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Compliance and Safety

Our compliance programs, training, and sustainable on-site and off-site solutions were established to keep our clients compliant with all regulatory standards while reducing risks, protecting employees, and minimizing liabilities.

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